Thursday, May 22, 2008

The big 6

Happy Birthday to our crazy Porter!! He turned six today and I have no idea where the time has gone. He has been counting down his birthday since January. He started off the day with our traditional breakfast with Dad at Cracker Barrel. Off to school he went and then Grandma Jo took him to Burger King (for the Indiana Jones toy) and we went to the Indy movie with some of his cousins. He had a great day. I hope it lived up to all his expectations for the last 5 months. What a fun boy he is to have around always cracking jokes and trying to push people's buttons to get a laugh. He is also so kind and sensitive to other peoples feelings. We can always count on him being honest, sometimes to his own demise. If he is guilty of doing something he will freely admit it and take the consequences. We are so blessed to have him in our family!!! We love you Porter!!


Brian Arnold said...

What a sweet cheeks! He is so dang cute! Wow....6 years old, time flies.

Tara said...

Porter looks so good lookn' in that picture. Sometimes I feel like I want to just stop time with my kids...they are all growing up to fast. It sounds like he had a fun birthday. You have such a beautiful family. I love ya!!!

spenceandcass said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY PORTER! was the Indy movie? I am way excited to see it!

P.S. I still want a no soliciting sign!

Jenifer said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Isn't it crazy how fast they grow up? Sounds like he had an awesome day!

Shelley said...

What a beautiful picture of Porter! Love the blog!