Monday, April 28, 2008

FHE is great!!!

So Frontrunner is supposed to be the latest and greatest transportation to hit the salt lake valley. They have really advertised it quite a bit and my kids have been watching it go by for about 2 months now.  It finally opened last weekend and they were offering free rides for the first 5 days.  So we didnt go on saturday because we knew it would be way crowded.  We decided to go for FHE down to the gateway and get ice cream at Ben & Jerry's.  What a fun idea I thought WRONG!!!  Half of northern utah had the same idea.  Let me give you a little time line.  6:10 we get to the layton station the trains run every half hour, oddly enough right when we get there a train was leaving for SLC.  Must be running a little late.  6:50 ogden bound train goes by, no slc train.  7:15  Slc train comes up completely full no way we are getting on.  7:20 ogden train arrives oh we will just hop on that one and go to Farrs ice cream instead.   Our first clue should have been all the people getting off saying "dont do it dont get on!"  Half hour drive to ogden, then a short 6 block walk to Farrs,  When we get there they are on #35 our # is 59 oh well we will just hang out.  8:45 finally get our ice cream head back to the station, the 9:00 train is just leaving we will catch the next one.  WRONG it is only running every hour after 7pm,  no bathrooms or lights on at the station outside.  Kids have to go potty 9:30 we have plenty of time to get to the restaurant down the street before the train comes.  WRONG we get half way there Brian calls me on the phone the train is coming!!  Rush back to get on the train which we sit on for another 15 min.  ( Brian's family also came with us but went to a restaurant to eat, his sister is due in 2 weeks and amazingly enough no one got up to give her a seat when we got on the train)  They make the train, and we are finally on our way.  I happen to call the comment # on the sign at the station which is funny enough disconnected.  To end a very long story we make it back to Layton station 10:20  What great troopers we have they still had smiles on their faces!!!   Brynleigh said as we left" that was the first and the worst train ride I have ever been on!!"  Well said!!   Just because it is free doesnt mean it is a good idea!!


Craig Family said...

That is such a funny story. What an experience! I can't believe all you had to deal with. Good thing you don't have to rely on that train for everyday transportation. I guess the kids won't forget that FHE for a long time to come.

Nat and Dave said...

How funny! I can not belive it! That is seriously crazy that it took so long! Sounds like a fun night looking back on it! ha ha...i love it!

Jenni said...

Teach you to try new things!!! Even though they are ya

Jenifer said...

UGH! I hate the trains! We did that once to see lights at Temple Square when I was pregnant with Sam. No one would give me their seat and I was 7 months! I just hate public transportation so much. It was a great idea! Now you know...

Kelli said...

That makes me laugh so hard. I am very impressed that it your kids were good through it all!! You never told me about that today!! You poor thing. You need to ride again when it is less crowded!!