Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Our little Mister Wyatt

Wyatt cracks us up!! They watched Nancy Drew a couple weeks ago and there is a short chubby kid on there that he thinks is great.  Since then he has been going up to girls and saying this, it is hilarious.  He is so much fun to be around, since the other kids are at school he is my little buddy.  I will be so lonely when he is off to school himself.  He always says the funniest things and for some reason he loves to say actually a lot so cute.  He is easily entertained and loves to laugh.  I catch him laughing hysterically at t.v. shows the side splitting kind of laugh so I have to stop and see what is so funny, most of the time I don't get it, but I love watching him. He has a laugh that is so contagious and we end up laughing at how hard he is laughing!!  We love his GUTS!!!


Craig Family said...

How can you not love that little guys guts? He is so dang cute! He looks like such a perfect mix of you and Brian. I love his saying to the girls! Thanks for sharing that video, it is really fun.

Brian Arnold said...

I am so mad that my computer doesnt have speakers! It was still cute without them but I need the full effect! Man I miss you guys!